How Our Treatments Work

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is soft touch – a gentle, hands-on, non-invasive approach. This helps release tensions deep in the body via the Central Nervous System to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.

Craniosacral Therapy requires a particular point of view: one of seeing the individual as an integrated whole.

What should I wear?

For CranioSacral sessions, wear comfortable clothing. 

What can I expect a CST session to be like?

Except for your shoes, you will be fully clothed during the session.  Loose fitting clothing works best. We will gently and respectfully hold various places on your body.  We tune into your CranioSacral rhythm and we locate and help release tensions in your system. Most people find this very relaxing.  You may fall asleep or go into a dreamlike state.

As the treatment continues, sometimes, (not usually), a symptom may intensify briefly. The discomfort usually passes before the end of the session.

Occasionally, people have an emotional response during a session. Often the release, or shift, happening in the body, is tied to an emotionally charged experience. These “held” experiences may stem from daily stresses to physical or emotional traumas, to long-held behavioural patterns developed over years.

How long is a treatment?

Treatments generally take an hour.

How many sessions will I need?

Adults often require between 6-8 visits to treat their conditions. The longer a condition has gone untreated, the longer it sometimes takes to show progress.

For any age, there is often a noticeable change after the first session. Gill believes that 6 treatments are a good minimum number.  Some people feel no different after 4 treatments.  Again, Gill encourages them to return for that fifth and sixth treatment.  Her statistics indicate that things seem to fall in to place after this, with many big improvements often being noticed.  If clients are still having problems, then Gill has had several fantastic outcomes where people have come about eight times. Gill suggests a few follow up treatments to support and to optimise the system staying on a healthy track. 

How will I know if the treatment is working?

Many people find that the therapy is so pleasant and so beneficial to their general health and well-being, that they continue to receive regular sessions even after their initial symptoms have been alleviated.

Today, we are used to expecting immediate relief as a sign that we are getting better. Because CranioSacral Therapy aims to correct the problem, rather than mask the symptoms, your course of improvement may differ significantly from what you are used to experiencing.

CranioSacral Therapy helps your body to make its own corrections and the immediate results are unpredictable – but ultimately, your body will do what it needs to do to heal.

If I don’t believe in CranioSacral Therapy, will it still work?

CranioSacral Therapy has been successfully used to treat new-borns and animals. You do not have to believe in it to receive benefits from it. If you are sceptical, it is best to try to keep an open mind and to be neutral. Your mind powerfully influences your body, so if you decide that anything doesn’t work, your beliefs could make it so.

What is the Cancellation Policy?

Please give 24 hours’ notice to reschedule or cancel a session at no charge.

Within 24 hours the following rates apply

Cancellations occurring within 24 hours will be considered a missed session and will be billed at $75.00 of the $150.00 the regular session rate. 

If you have a migraine and you can’t make it, the charge is $60.00 instead of the $150.00 for the missed treatment.  This is in recognition that a migraine can happen at any time.

If you have the flu or a cold, please call immediately to cancel your appointment, as I do not wish to have it passed on to me and subsequently, to my other clients. There is a nominal cancellation fee of $25.00 instead of the full fee of $150.00.

If you are a parent of caregiver of young children who are sick or have a cold, there is a $15.00 instead of the full $150.00 fee as you would highly lightly be contagious or a carrier especially if you are nursing a sick child.


“After my first treatment with Gill, I had the best sleep in two years, because I had no migraines or headaches……” Deaan Marchioni